刘成有, 杨定国, 阙小平, 冯莉颖.“双师型”教师队伍建设的思考[J].海南师范大学学报自科版,2024,37(4):530-534
Thoughts on Empowering the Construction of a "Double-qualified" Teacher Team
中文关键词: “双师型”  产教融合  校企融合  职业教育
英文关键词: "Dual teacher type"  integration of industry and education  school enterprise integration  vocational education
刘成有, 杨定国, 阙小平, 冯莉颖 海南科技职业大学 教务处海南 海口 571126 
摘要点击次数: 361
全文下载次数: 99
      “双师型” 教师是高等职业院校内涵发展与新质生产力的核心支柱,其队伍建设对学生成长、社会发展及国家经济社会发展意义重大。本文阐述了“双师型”教师队伍建设的现实意义,剖析了当前其建设存在师资来源单一、结构亟需优化,培养培训体系有待健全、激励评价机制不完善,校企对接融合度低、协同育人流于表面等问题。并以海南科技职业大学为例提出“双师型” 教师队伍建设的实践路径与对策,包括扩充双师队伍规模、策略性改善结构,完善培养培训体系、健全评价激励机制,增强战略意识、推动校企合作等。
      "Double-qualified" teachers are the core pillar of connotation development and new quality productivity in higher vocational colleges, and their team construction is of great significance to students' growth, social development and national economic and social development. This paper expounds the practical significance of the construction of "dual-teacher" teachers by integrating production and education, and analyzes the existing problems in the current construction, such as single source of teachers, urgent optimization of structure, imperfect training system, imperfect incentive and evaluation mechanism, low integration degree of university-enterprise connection and collaborative education. Taking Hainan Vocational University of Science and Technology as an example, this paper puts forward practical paths and countermeasures for the construction of "double-qualified" teachers, including expanding the scale of the double-qualified teachers, strategically improving the structure, perfecting the training system, perfecting the evaluation and incentive mechanism, enhancing strategic awareness, and promoting school-enterprise cooperation.
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