王雅琪, 张友水, 张佳琪.福州市三维景观对地表温度的影响分析[J].海南师范大学学报自科版,2024,37(4):497-506
Analysis of the Influence of Three-dimensional Landscape on Land Surface Temperature in Fuzhou
中文关键词: 地表温度  三维景观  景观格局指数  地理探测器
英文关键词: land surface temperature  three-dimensional landscape  landscape pattern index  geographic detector
王雅琪1,2, 张友水1,2, 张佳琪3 1.福建师范大学 地理科学学院碳中和未来技术学院福建 福州 350117
2.福建师范大学 地理研究所
福建 福州 350117
福建 福州 350108 
摘要点击次数: 553
全文下载次数: 98
      探究三维城市景观对地表温度(LST)的影响机制对于城市规划具有重要意义。基于2022—2023年Landsat 8遥感影像反演福州市四季的LST,将研究区划分为200 m×200 m规则格网,在此基础上构建三维景观格局指数分析其对地表温度的影响,并运用地理探测器对比分析二维因子和三维因子对LST的解释程度。结果表明:(1)LVV与LST为负相关关系,建筑体积与LST为正相关关系,LVV较建筑体积与LST有更高的相关性,四季中LST与两者的相关性由高到低依次均为夏季、春季、秋季、冬季;(2)树木建筑物体积比、树木体积建筑结构指数比、树木体积容积率比、树木体积建筑物空间拥挤度比与LST均为负相关关系,其中树木体积建筑物空间拥挤度比与LST的负相关性相对较高,四季中夏季三维景观格局指数与LST的相关性相对较高;(3)建筑体积和LVV对LST空间分布具有一定的驱动作用,其解释度高于道路,但低于二维FVC和ISA,建筑体积和LVV双因子增强的交互作用要高于2个因子的单独作用。
      It is of great significance for urban planning to explore the influence mechanism of 3D urban landscape on land surface temperature (LST). Based on Landsat 8 remote sensing images from 2022 to 2023, the four seasons LST of Fuzhou was retrieved, and the study area was divided into a 200 m × 200 m regular grid. On this basis, three-dimensional landscape pattern index were constructed, and their effects on land surface temperature were analyzed. The interpretation degree of LST by two dimensional factors and three dimensional factors is compared and analyzed by geographical detector. The results show that: (1) LVV and LST were negatively correlated, while building volume and LST were positively correlated, LVV had a higher correlation than building volume and LST, and in four seasons, the correlation between LST and LST was summer, spring, autumn and winter in order from high to low; (2) tree building volume ratio, tree volume building structure index ratio, tree volume volume ratio, tree volume building space crowding ratio and LST were all negatively correlated, among them, the negative correlation between tree volume building space crowding ratio and LST was relatively high, and the correlation between three-dimensional landscape pattern index and LST was relatively high in four seasons and summer; (3) building volume and LVV had a certain driving effect on the spatial distribution of LST, their interpretation was higher than that of Road, but lower than that of 2D FVC and ISA, and the interaction between building volume and LVV was higher than that of the two factors alone.
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