高雨婷, 沈玲, 何琪钰, 潘禹澄, 贾光锋, 孙飞龙.响应面法优化聚谷氨酸保鲜炒青绿茶工艺[J].海南师范大学学报自科版,2024,37(4):451-456
Effect of Polyglutamic Acid on the Preservation of Roasted Green Tea by Response Surface Optimization
中文关键词: 聚谷氨酸  炒青绿茶  保鲜  响应面法
英文关键词: -polyglutamic acid  stir-fried green tea  fresh-keeping  response surface method
高雨婷1, 沈玲1, 何琪钰1, 潘禹澄1, 贾光锋2, 孙飞龙1 1.西安工程大学 环境与化学工程学院陕西 西安  710600
陕西 西安  710032 
摘要点击次数: 1184
全文下载次数: 107
      为了研究聚谷氨酸对绿茶的实际保鲜效果,以炒青绿茶为样品,在单因素试验的基础上用响应面试验设计优化了聚谷氨酸水溶液涂膜保鲜的工艺。结果表明,炒青绿茶的最佳保鲜条件为:涂膜剂储存温度3 ℃、干燥温度59 ℃、聚谷氨酸涂膜剂浓度1.7%。感官实验结果表明,经过聚谷氨酸处理的样品综合感官评审得分为94.00,优于未处理样品。色度测定结果表明,聚谷氨酸处理的茶叶样品色度变化较小,基本保留了最初的茶叶色泽。因此,聚谷氨酸保鲜炒青绿茶的效果非常显著,可以作为生物保鲜剂进一步研究开发。
      In order to study the actual effect of polyglutamic acid on the preservation of green tea, the preservation process of polyglutamic acid aqueous solution coating was optimized by response surface methodology on the basis of single factor experiment with roasted green tea as sample. The results showed that the optimum preservation conditions of roasted green tea were identified with storage temperature of 3 ℃, drying temperature of 59 ℃, and polyglutamic acid concentration of 1.7%. The results of sensory experiments showed that the comprehensive sensory evaluation score of the samples treated with polyglutamic acid was 94.00, which was better than that of the untreated samples. The results of chroma measurement showed that the chroma of tea samples treated with polyglutamic acid changed little, and the original color of tea was almost retained. Therefore, the effect of polyglutamic acid preservation of stir-fried green tea was very significant, which can be used as a biological preservative for further research and development.
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