汪明畅, 张钰桐, 苗莎菻, 王瑜, 张晓萍.基于多壁碳-Au/rGO纳米复合材料的生物传感器的制备及其在有机磷农药检测中的应用[J].海南师范大学学报自科版,2024,37(3):301-306
Preparation of the Biosensor Based on Multi-wall Carbon-Au/rGO Nanocomposites and Its Application in the Detection of Organophosphorus Pesticides
中文关键词: 多壁碳  Au/rGO  乙酰胆碱酯酶  传感器  有机磷农药
英文关键词: multi-walled carbon  Au/rGO  acetylcholinesterase  sensor  organic phosphorus pesticide
汪明畅, 张钰桐, 苗莎菻, 王瑜, 张晓萍 海南师范大学 化学与化工学院海口市功能材料与光电化学重点实验室海南 海口 571158 
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      本文研究了多壁碳纳米管和金复合还原石墨烯(Au/rGO)修饰电极的电化学性能,通过吸附法将乙酰胆碱酯酶固定到修饰电极表面制成生物传感器,并将其用于有机磷农药的检测。结果表明,在1.0×10-6 ~ 1.0×10 -11 mol/L范围内辛硫磷对酶的抑制率与辛硫磷浓度的负对数呈线性关系,线性方程为I = -0.061 0 lgc + 1.222 01,相关系数与检出限分别为0.985和8.185×10-7 mol/L。采用循环伏安法(CV)和差分脉冲伏安法(DPV)实现了对辛硫磷样品的分析检测,回收率为91.0% ~ 110.0%。该传感器可用于有机磷农药残留检测。
      In this paper, the electrochemical properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTS) and gold composite reduced graphene (Au/rGO) modified electrodes were investigated, and acetylcholinesterase was immobilized on the surface of modified electrodes by adsorption method to make biosensor, which was used for the detection of organophosphorus pesticides. The results showed that there was a linear relationship between the inhibition rate of phoxim and negative logarithm of phoxim concentration in the range of 1.0 ×10-6 ~ 1.0 ×10 -11 mol /L, the linear equation was I = -0.611 0 lgc +1.222 01, the correlation coefficient and detection limit were 0.985 and 8.185 ×10 -7 mol/L. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) were used to analyze and detect phoxim samples. The recoveries were 91.0%-110.0%. The sensor can be used to detect organophosphorus pesticide residues.
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