Analysis of Boundary Morphological Characteristics in Dong Rural Settlements in Hunan, Guangxi and Guizhou Regions
中文关键词: 量化研究  侗族  乡村聚落  聚落边界
英文关键词: quantitative research  Dong minority  rural settlement  settlement boundary
李珉青,韦明新,樊亚明* 桂林理工大学 旅游与风景园林学院广西 桂林 541006 
摘要点击次数: 193
全文下载次数: 408
      Twenty-five Dong rural settlements in Hunan, Guangxi and Guizhou regions were selected as research samples. Based on the graph base analysis method and the aspect ratio, shape index and fractal dimension quantitative index, the morphological characteristics and fragmentation degree of the border of Dong rural settlements were discussed. The results showed that according to the quantitative study of length-to-width ratio, the sample settlements were grouped, banded and banded inclined into three types, including 10 cluster settlements, 10 banded settlements and 5 banded inclined cluster settlements. The formation of cluster settlements was mainly influenced by natural environment and artificial factors. Through the quantitative study of length-width ratio, shape index and fractal dimension, it is found that the boundary pattern of settlements presents two states of simple smooth, broken and complex, and its formation is influenced by natural environment, clan concept and morphological characteristics of settlements. Relevant conclusions can provide reference for the protection and development of Dong rural settlements.
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