,颜 洲2
,童 皓2.面向高并发的消息中间件设计与实现[J].海南师范大学学报自科版,2023,36(1):29-37 |
面向高并发的消息中间件设计与实现 |
Design and Implementation of Message Oriented Middleware for High Concurrency |
DOI:10.12051/j.issn.1674-4942.2023.01.005 |
中文关键词: 高并发 消息中间件 流量消峰 负载均衡 消息推送 |
英文关键词: high concurrency message oriented middleware flow peak elimination load balancing message push |
基金项目:安 徽 省 高 校 优 秀 拔 尖 人 才 培 育 资 助 项 目(gxgnfx2020159);安 徽 省 高 校 自 然 科 学 研 究 重 点 项 目
科学研究重点项目(YJF-2019-12);安徽省提质培优培育项目(2022TZPY040) |
摘要点击次数: 663 |
全文下载次数: 754 |
中文摘要: |
峰,当错误请求率为0的情况下并发量达55 802/sec,吞吐量达6 319.8/sec不宕机。 |
英文摘要: |
Regarding the typical problems such as downtime caused by excessive sudden traffic in high concurrency sce⁃
narios, a message oriented middleware was proposed to eliminate traffic peaks. The message middleware adopts ProducerBroker-Consumer architecture, which was divided into general layer, network communication layer, message server and
message client. It defined the communication protocol, used push mode and loaded balancing polling mode to push messag⁃
es. This paper compared it with the mainstream message oriented middleware and applied it to the commodity spike plat⁃
form, then used JMeter to conduct pressure test to verify the comprehensive performance of traffic peak elimination. The ex⁃
perimental results showed that the middleware had better traffic peak elimination performance than the mainstream mes⁃
sage middleware. By applying it to the commodity spike platform, the message middleware can effectively eliminate the
peak traffic. When the error request rate was 0, the concurrency reached 55 802/sec and the throughput reached 6 319.8c
without downtime. |
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