范 昕,裴笑山,耿 玥,汪心瑶,林新宇,李观荣,张焓笑,杨 红*.基于空间Kramers-Kronig关系双色非互易光反射的 动力学调控[J].海南师范大学学报自科版,2022,35(3):275-281
基于空间Kramers-Kronig关系双色非互易光反射的 动力学调控
Dynamic Manipulation of Two-color Non-reciprocal ReflectionBased on Spatial Kramers-Kronig Relation
中文关键词: 非互易性  Kramers-Kronig关系  双色反射
英文关键词: non-reciprocity  Kramers-Kronig relation  two-color reflection
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(12126314);海南省自然科学基金项目(122QN302);海南省院士创新平台项目 (YSPTZX202215)
范 昕,裴笑山,耿 玥,汪心瑶,林新宇,李观荣,张焓笑,杨 红* 海南师范大学 物理与电子工程学院海南 海口 571158 
摘要点击次数: 435
全文下载次数: 1211
      :光学非互易性是实现全光二极管、隔离器等新型光子器件的核心技术,这些器件具有 高效、稳定、易于集成等特点,在量子计算和信息处理中尤为关键。本文通过设置2个耦合场强度 随位置的变化,使探测场极化率满足空间Kramers-Kronig关系,实现双色非互易光反射的动力学调 控,并讨论了探测光从介质的左侧和右侧入射的反射率对比以及耦合场失谐、耦合强度等对非互 易光反射的影响。
      Optical non-reciprocity is the core technology for realizing new photonic devices such as all-optical diodes and isolators. These devices have the characteristics of high efficiency, stability and easy integration, which are particularly crit⁃ ical in quantum computing and information processing. In this paper, the dynamic manipulation of two-color non-recipro⁃ cal reflection can be realized by setting the intensity of two coupling fields varying with position, so that the susceptibility of probe field satisfies the spatial Kramers-Kronig relation. The reflectivity contrast of the probe field incidents from the left and right sides of the medium, and the effects of the detunings and intensity of coupling field on the non-reciprocal reflec⁃ tion are also discussed.
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