朱邦耀 1 ,石 丹 2 ,陈小云 3.东北地区传统村落空间分异及影响因素[J].海南师范大学学报自科版,2022,35(2):229-234
Spatial Differentiation and Influencing Factors of Traditional Villagesin Northeast China
中文关键词: 东北地区  传统村落  空间分异  GIS
英文关键词: Northeast China  traditional villages  spatial distribution  GIS
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目(41801165);吉林省教育厅社会科学项目(20191031);河源市社会科学规划课题 (HYSK21P56);广州市哲学社会科学规划课题(2022GZGJ06)
朱邦耀 1 ,石 丹 2 ,陈小云 3 1. 广东技术师范大学 财经学院广东 广州 510665 2. 吉林师范大学 旅游与地理科学学院吉林 四平 136000 3. 广州市地质调查院广东 广州 510440 
摘要点击次数: 531
全文下载次数: 1523
      以东北地区国家级传统村落为研究对象,基于ArcGIS 10.3分析平台,采用谷歌地球 (Google Earth)和百度地图确定地理坐标,结合DEM数据、城镇点、交通线路、经济统计和野外调研 数据,运用空间分析和地统计分析方法对传统村落空间分布格局及其影响因素进行探讨。研究表 明:东北地区传统村落的空间分布类型为凝聚型,整体空间格局具有沿东北至西南方向扩散的特 征,标准差椭圆中心位于西南部的辽宁省法库县;传统村落主要集聚区域为辽宁省西部和吉林省 东南部的山地与丘陵地区,主要包括锦州市、朝阳市以及白山市;区位与自然环境和历史文化是影 响传统村落分布的主要因素,区域经济发展水平以及交通条件是传统村落得以保存的重要条件。
      This paper analyzed the spatial distribution pattern and its influencing factors by spatial analysis and geostatisti⁃ cal analysis methods, based on geographical coordinates from Google Earth and Baidu map, using DEM data, town points, traffic routes, statistical data and field survey data, taking national traditional villages in Northeast China as the research ob⁃ jects and the ArcGIS 10.3 as analysis platform. The results showed that: (1)The spatial distribution type of traditional villag⁃ es in Northeast China is cohesive. The overall spatial pattern has the characteristics of spreading along the northeast to the southwest. The center of standard deviation ellipse is located in Faku County, Liaoning Province; (2)The agglomeration ar⁃ eas are mountainous and hilly areas in West Liaoning Province and Southeast Jilin Province, mainly including Jinzhou City, Chaoyang City and Baishan City; (3)Location, natural environment and historical and cultural factors are the main factors af⁃ fecting the distribution of traditional villages. The level of regional economic development and traffic conditions are the im⁃ portant conditions for the preservation of traditional villages.
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