林丹,周向丽,程叶青,张金萍*.海南岛乡村旅游资源点空间格局及影响因素[J].海南师范大学学报自科版,2020,33(3):307-317 |
海南岛乡村旅游资源点空间格局及影响因素 |
Spatial Distribution and Influencing Factors of Rural TourismResource Spots in Hainan Island |
DOI:10.12051/j.issn.1674-4942.2020.03.010 |
中文关键词: 乡村旅游资源点 核密度分析 热点分析 缓冲区分析 海南岛 |
英文关键词: rural tourism resource points kernel density analysis hot spot analysis buffer analysis Hainan Island |
学基金高层次人才项目(2019RC178);海南省普通高等学校研究生创新科研课题(Hys2019-240) |
摘要点击次数: 655 |
全文下载次数: 304 |
中文摘要: |
运用GIS 空间分析技术从类型、密度及均衡性等方面对海南岛1284 个乡村旅游资源点
发展、政策支持等因素的综合影响。 |
英文摘要: |
By applying the spatial analysis technology of GIS from the aspects of type, density, harmoniousness and so on
to study the distribution characteristics and influencing factors of 1284 rural tourism resource points in Hainan Province.
Results showed that the rural tourism resources distributed in a typical agglomeration pattern in space, with low spatial
equilibrium. The distribution density showed a multi-centripetal layer distribution pattern of "more in northeast and less in
southwest". Generally, there are obvious spatial differences among different types, showing a spatial distribution pattern of
"encircling the water", "along the road" and "encircling the city". There are obvious spatial differences between hot spots
and cold spots in the development of rural tourism resources, mainly in the cold spots and sub-cold spots. The spatial pat⁃
tern is comprehensively influenced by resource endowment, topography, water system, traffic conditions, economic develop⁃
ment and policy support. |
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