Temperature fluctuation during refrigerated transport can significantly affect the quality of Kiwi fruits and stor⁃
age process. The kiwi fruits were first placed at different temperature fluctuations 2 ℃(± 0 ℃、± 1.5 ℃、± 3 ℃), and after
24 h refrigerated transportation, were stored at 0 ℃, 3 ℃ and 20 ℃ and then the various parameters of the kiwi fruit were
measured such as weight loss rate, fruit firmness, titratable acidity, soluble solids, chlorophyll, MDA, Vitamin C content,
etc. It was found that the kiwi fruit quality varied with the different refrigerated time and temperature fluctuations. After 16
days of cold storage, the variation of hardness at ± 3 ℃ was 1.94 times of that at ± 0 ℃, 1.27 times of that at ± 1.5 ℃, when
the stored temperature is 0 ℃. Temperature fluctuation accelerated the change of kiwi fruit quality. The greater the tempera⁃
ture fluctuation, the greater the impact on the quality of kiwi fruit. Storage temperature also had a certain impact on it. It
was also found that the higher the storage temperature, the much easier the aging of the kiwi fruit, while the influence of
temperature fluctuation on the kiwi fruit was also more obvious. |