Advance on Research and Application of Resistant Dextrin
中文关键词: 抗性糊精  膳食纤维  理化性质  功能性成分
英文关键词: resistant dextrin  dietary fiber  physical and chemical properties  functional ingredient
基金项目:广州市科技计划项目( 201604020032);广东省韶关市科技计划项目(韶科【2017】62号)
黄政1,孙江文2,徐勇3,卫娜3,胡松青1* 1.华南理工大学食品科学与工程学院广东广州510640 2. 华南理工大学医院广东广州510640 3.广东省食品工业研究所有限公司广东广州511442 
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      抗性糊精是现代食品工业中一种重要的低分子水溶性膳食纤维。目前,已形成以淀粉 为原料的酸热处理并重制备抗性糊精的方法。抗性糊精具有独特的生理功能及良好的加工特性, 其本质上是低热量的葡聚糖,酸热稳定性好,消化耐受性强。作为一种重要的功能性膳食纤维,抗 性糊精能够改善人体肠道菌群组成、吸收肠道有害物质,有助于预防如高血压、糖尿病等慢性疾 病。自被批准为普通食品以来,抗性糊精越来越受到食品行业的重视,在饮料、肉制品、面制品和 功能食品等食品工业中的应用前景广阔。本文从抗性糊精的研究现状、基本理化性质、生理功能、 应用领域等方面进行了综述。
      Resistant dextrin is an important water-soluble dietary fiber with low-molecular weight. At present, a method for producing starch-based resistant dextrin is developed by acid and heat treatment. Resistant dextrin is naturally low-cal⁃ orie glucan, which has unique physiological functions, good processing characteristics, high thermal stability and great di⁃ gestive tolerance. As an important functional dietary fiber, resistant dextrin can enrich the intestinal flora to absorb harmful substances and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. Resistant dextrin has been approved as an ordinary food and received huge attention in food industry, especially widely used in beverages, meat, flour and func⁃ tional foods. Therefore, this paper reviewed the research status, physicochemical properties, physiological functions and ap⁃ plications of resistant dextrin.
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