Rapid Determination of β - carotene in Green Kumquat Fruit Powder Based on Near - infrared Spectroscopy
中文关键词: 青金桔果粉  β-胡萝卜素  近红外光谱  快速检测
英文关键词: Green kumquat powder  β - carotene  near - infrared spectroscopy  rapid detection
刘欣1,马金爽1,张晓青1,王潇哲1,陈园园1,王林祥1,刘红1,2*,韩长日3 1.海南师范大学化学与化工学院海口市热带特色药食同源植物研究与开发重点实验室 海南海口571158 2. 海南南派实业有限公司海南海口571158 3. 海南科技职业学院药食同源植物资源海南省重点实验室海南海口571126) 
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      以青金桔原粉为研究对象,采集不同时间热处理的青金桔果粉近红外光谱(900~1700 nm)信息,经不同预处理,运用偏最小二乘回归(partial least square regression,PLS)法建立β-胡萝卜 素含量的预测模型,实现靑金桔果粉中β-胡萝卜素含量的快速无损检测。试验结果显示,经标准 正态变换(standard normal variate,SNV)预处理在1300~1700 nm 范围内光谱信息构建的PLS 模型, 预测效果较好,模型均方根误差(RMSEC)、交叉验证均方根误差(RMSECV)、预测均方根误差(RM⁃ SEP)分别为0.08、0.14 和0.05,校正集决定系数(R2 c )、交叉验证集决定系数(R2 cv)和预测集决定系 数(R2 p ) 分别为0.95、0.87 和0.95。由此表明,利用近红外光谱技术可潜在实现对青金桔果粉中β- 桔胡萝卜素含量的快速检测。
      In this study, the original green kumquat powder was used as research object, and the spectral information of⁃ heat - treated kumquat fruit powder at different times were collected by the near infrared(900~1700 nm)system. After dif⁃ ferent spectral pretreatment, a partial least square(PLS)regression model was established to achieve the rapid and non - de⁃ structive detection of β - carotene content in kumquat fruit powder. The results showed that the PLS model established with standard normal variate pretreated spectra in the range of 1300~1700 nm had better performance in the prediction of β - car⁃ otene content, leading to the root mean square error in calibration(RMSEC) , cross - validation(RMSECV) , prediction(RM⁃SEP)of 0.08, 0.14, 0.05, respectively, and the coefficient of determination in calibration( R c 2 ) , cross - validation( R cv ) , prediction( R p 2 )of 0.95, 0.87, 0.95, respectively. It is concluded that near - infrared spectroscopy combined with PLS could be potentially applied for the rapid detection of β - carotene content in kumquat fruit powder.
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