郤建军,李新通.Moran’s I指数与DEM 网格大小关系的研究[J].海南师范大学学报自科版,2016,29(4):418-424
Moran’s I指数与DEM 网格大小关系的研究
Study of the Relationship Between the Moran’s I Index and the DEM’s Grid Size
中文关键词: DEM  Moran’s I 指数  网格  空间自相关
英文关键词: DEM  Moran’s I index  grid  spatial auto-correlation
郤建军 福建师范大学地理科学学院福建福州350007 
李新通 福建师范大学地理科学学院福建福州350007 
摘要点击次数: 1641
全文下载次数: 1131
      数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model,简称DEM)作为真实地形的一种数字化模拟,网 格间存在着某种空间自相关性. Moran’s I 是一种常见的空间自相关程度量化指标. 为了研究Moran’ s I 与DEM 网格大小之间的关系,文章在分辨率为30 m×30 m 的DEM 上随机选取了35 个采样点. 又 以每个采样点为中心,选取n×n(n = 3,5,7,…,25)大小的DEM 网格,计算并记录对应于每个网格 的Moran’s I 指数值,绘出各采样点的Moran’s I 指数值随n 变化的曲线. 研究发现:大多数采样点的 Moran’s I 曲线呈现出一致的变化趋势;同时发现少数采样点的Moran’s I 曲线出现局部的变化异常. 对这些异常进行分析后发现,Moran’s I 值随n 变化的趋势与DEM 网格高程值的离散程度(地形)有 关.
      Digital Elevation Model(DEM)is a digital model of realistic terrain, and there exists spatial auto-correlation among DEM’s grids. The Moran’s I is a quantized index used to measure the spatial auto-correlation. To explore the relationship between the Moran’s I index and the size of DEM’s grids, we compute and record the corresponding Moran’s I values by selecting 35 samples in the DEM with a resolution of 30 m ×30 m randomly and selecting n × n(n = 3,5,7,…,25) DEM’s grids centering on each sample point. Finally, we plot the Moran’s I curves varying along with n for all sample points. The results show that most Moran’s I curves have the same variation trend except for a few curves which have abnormal behaviors in some n-intervals. By analyzing these abnormal phenomena, we find that the variation trend of a Moran’s I curve along with n is related to the elevation dispersion degree of the corresponding DEM’s grids.
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