A Precise Spatial Division for Frost-damaged Plantations of Zhenghe White Tea in Nanping
中文关键词: 冻害  GIS 技术  逐步回归模型  主成分分析法  南平市  政和大白茶
英文关键词: frost damage  GIS technology  stepwise regression model  principal component analysis method  Nanping  Zhenghe white tea
林泽全 福建师范大学地理科学学院福建福州350007 
陈志彪 福建师范大学地理科学学院福建福州350007 
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      文章运用逐步回归分析方法和GIS 技术,建立了南平市越冬期极端最低气温(Td)和3 个等级冻害(-3℃<Td≤0℃、-5℃<Td≤-3℃、Td≤-5℃)发生频次的空间分析模型. 根据主成分分析法确定的政和大白茶冻害区划指标,对南平市政和大白茶种植区进行划分. 结果表明:(1)南平市政和大白茶种植区可区分为微冻害区、轻度冻害区、中度冻害区、重度冻害区;(2)微冻害区分布于武步溪-迪口溪-建溪-高阳溪-吉阳溪-路兹溪-麻溪-富屯溪(顺昌段)-水口寨河-蛟溪以南,轻度冻害区分布于溪东溪-松溪(建瓯段)-梅龙溪-渭田溪-松溪(松溪段)-金峰山-奶娘岗-南浦溪(建阳段)-崇阳溪-云谷山-茂岭岗-麻阳溪-富屯溪(邵武段)-同青溪至微冻害区北界地带,中度冻害区分布于鹫峰山-龙头山-五马并槽-富岭溪-南浦溪(浦城段)-临江溪-武夷山(浦城县与武夷山市交界处)-北溪河-虎鼻岩-葛仙-分水关-狮子岗-杉岭-富屯溪(光泽段)-西溪-金溪至轻度冻害区北界,中度冻害区北界以北为重度冻害区.
      With stepwise regression analysis method and GIS technology,spatial analysis model is established for occurrence frequency of the extreme low temperatures(Td)and three frost-damaged grades(-3℃<Td≤0℃,-5℃<Td≤-3℃,Td≤-5℃)in the winter period of Nanping. And based on the frost-damaged division indicators obtained in the principal component analysis method, Zhenghe white tea growing areas in Nanping are classified into different areas. The results suggest:(1)Zhenghe white tea plantations in Nanping can be typed into the subtly frost-damaged area,slightly frost-damaged area,moderately frost-damaged area and seriously frost-damaged area.(2)The aforementioned areas respectively refer to the areas to the south of the belt of Wubuxi-Dixikou-Jianxi-Gaoyangxi-Jiyangxi-Luzixi-Maxi-Futunxi(the section in Shunchang)-Shuikouzhai river-Jiaoxi,the areas between the belt of Xidongxi-Songxi(the section in Jianou)-Meilongxi-Weitianxi-Songxi(the section in Songxi)-Jinfeng mountain-Nainianggang-Nanpuxi(the section in Jianyang)-Chongyangxi-Yungushan- Maolinggang-Mayangxi-Futunxi(the section in Shaowu)-Tongqingxi and the Northern boundary to the subtly frost-damaged areas,the areas between the belt of Jiufeng mountain-Longtou mountain-Wumabingcao-Fulingxi-Nanpuxi(the section in Pucheng)-Linjiangxi-Mount Wuyi(the junction of Pucheng County and Wuyishan city)-Beixi river-Hubiyan-Gexian-Fenshuiguan-Shizigang-Shanling-Futunxi(the section in Guangze)-Xixi-Jinxi and the Northern boundary to the slightly frost-damaged areas,and the areas to the north of the Northern boundary to the moderately frost-damaged areas.
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